University Council on Accessibility and Compliance and Accommodations Review Board
菠菜网lol正规平台’s University Council on Accessibility and Compliance (UCAC) provides consultation and advice to the University President and to the Accessible Education Center regarding policy interpretations and campus practices and other tasks as required by CSU Executive Order 926.
UCAC assists in the evaluation of current campus policies and procedures, develops plans relating to programs and services for students with disabilities, recommends priorities, reviews barrier removal priorities, and develops timelines as defined in the campus transition plan.
UCAC members currently include:
- Jihyun Lee (Co-Chair), Associate Professor, Kinesiology
- Gigi Smith (Co-Chair), Professor and Chair, Occupational Therapy
- Sara Bakalian, Instructional Designer, CFETI
- Sara Bonakdar, Senior Director, Business Services
- Ann Chung, Student Representative
- Eric Cross, Parking Manager
- Traci Ferdolage, Senior Associate Vice President, FD&O
- Lara Kassab, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education
- Michael Meth, Dean, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
- Julie Paisant, Senior Director, Employee Relations, Retention and Equal Opportunity
- Ignacia Villavelazquez-Hill, Director, Accessible Education Center
- Catherine Voss Plaxton, AVP for Health, Wellness and Student Services
- Jodie Warren, Assistant Professor, Justice Studies
The Accommodations Review Board (ARB) hears cases and provides resolutions related to student access or accommodation concerns. Cases may be referred to the ARB by Department Chairs and Directors, or by the Director of the AEC.
ARB members currently include:
- Jihyun Lee (Co-Chair), Associate Professor, Kinesiology
- Gigi Smith (Co-Chair), Professor and Chair, Occupational Therapy
- Sara Bakalian, Instructional Designer, CFETI
- Lara Kassab, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education
- Michael Meth, Dean, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
- Ignacia Villavelazquez-Hill, Director, Accessible Education Center
- Catherine Voss Plaxton, AVP for Health, Wellness and Student Services
You can reach out to these committees by sending an email to the UCAC & ARB co-chairs:
- Dr. Jihyun Lee:
- Dr. Gigi Smith: